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Is Your Heater a Disaster Waiting to Happen?



Prevent Unforeseen Catastrophes This Holiday Season

Preparing for the holidays is a job in and of itself. Whether you’re cooking in the kitchen or sprucing up the dining room, there’s a lot to do before guests arrive.

But you might be overlooking a crucial element to holiday comfort: your heater. It’s easy to forget about your furnace or boiler if it’s performed well through the years. But if your system is older and outdated, you might want to replace it before the holidays. After all, few things will cause your guests more discomfort than a heatless home.

Why Replace Before the Holidays?

If you travel for the winter, there are certain steps you need to take to prevent plumbing repair in Oak Park, IL and throughout the Chicago North Shore area. That’s because a plumbing problem while you’re away could result in a major disaster. But if you’re staying home and hosting, it’s important to make your heater a priority.

You should replace your heater or boiler before the holiday season if:

  • Your furnace or boiler is more than 10 years old. Like most things, your heater isn’t built to last forever. If your system is near or past the 10-year mark, it’s at a much higher risk for malfunctioning. Newer systems offer more than just reliable heat. They also save energy, provide more consistent temperatures and are quieter and safer to operate.
  • You weren’t satisfied with your heater’s performance last year. If you didn’t like a certain holiday dish last year, you probably won’t make it again. Likewise, if your heater didn’t meet your expectations last year, you can’t expect it to improve this year. Rather than keep an aging system limping along, you can save in the long run by replacing your unit.
  • Your energy bills are higher than normal. Feel like your heater is burning a hole in your wallet? We have good news: Replacing your heater can cut your energy bills by more than 40 percent! Today’s systems are far more efficient than heaters made just 10 years ago. In fact, new ENERGY STARÒ furnaces are up to 98 percent efficient, leaving little room for wasted energy.
  • You haven’t maintained your system and don’t know how safe it is. A leaking heater can expose you and your guests to carbon monoxide. If your heater is older and hasn’t been inspected by a professional, take the smart route and replace your system before it can become a danger.
  • You crank up the heat for your guests. Part of hosting is catering to your guests. If you turn up the heat to keep guests comfortable, this can be the final straw for your aging system. By replacing your heater ahead of time, you can adjust the thermostat without having to worry.
  • You want peace of mind during the holidays. There are enough surprises during the holiday season. Why make your heater one more thing to worry about? At American Vintage Home, we’ll replace your outdated system with a much more reliable and energy-efficient one. Peace of mind is something you can’t put a price on. Let our technicians help you find the perfect system for your home so you can make this holiday one to remember—in all the right ways.

Indulge in Our Unrivaled Installation Process

A car can be made from the finest, most quality parts. But if it’s poorly manufactured, you won’t get very far. Well, the same goes for your HVAC equipment.

At American Vintage, we understand how crucial the installation phase is. That’s why, for every installation, we follow our Unrivaled Installation Process. Our process involves a series of checks and balances to ensure your equipment is installed correctly the first time around. It’s our way of guaranteeing your new heater will do what it was intended to do. That is, heat your home and save you money!

For more details on our Unrivaled Installation Process, click here.

Cheers to Better Comfort With American Vintage Home

The holidays are a time to cherish what you have and spend time with loved ones. And the holiday is that much better when your home feels warm, comfortable and just right. That’s where American Vintage Home can help. Whether you need plumbing repair in Wilmette, IL, or a heater replacement in Oak Park, IL, we’ll make your home just one more thing you can be thankful for this holiday season.

To request a free estimate for your new heater, schedule an appointment online or call American Vintage Home at (847) 999-4595 today.

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